Овочі та фрукти України-2019

 The 16th International Conference
«Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine-2019. Export Breakthrough!»

December 3-5, 2019

International Exhibition Center

15, Brovarsky Ave, Kyiv, Ukraine

Registration fee for conference (December 3-4), per each delegate:

Registration fee for trade forum (December 5), per company, no more than 2 persons:


Discounts on registration fees for conference (are not summed up):


Registration fee for the conference on December 3-4 includes the following options:


Registration fee for the trade forum on December 5 includes the following options:


Registration terms and payment conditions:

Registration forms are accepted until November 29.

Payment conditions: full prepayment of the invoice issued by the organizers.


Refund in case of refusal to take part in the events:


To learn more about the event, please contact the Conference Organizing Committee:

+380 562 320795

cell: +380 96 5836323 – Mr. Ievgen Kuzin

[email protected]