Harvesting grain with sickle again?
APK-Inform reported that as of May 1st, 2002 only 25,700 pcs of 54,000 available grain harvesting units are in operable condition thus making the readiness coefficient 0.48 versus 0.46 if compared to previous year this time.
In fact, tractor readiness coefficient remained about the same and showed 0.79 versus 0.8 a year ago. Of 249.700 units available in Ukraine only 196,500 units are ready to go to the field.
59% of swathers and 63% of harvesters with press pick up headers or 15,000 and 5,600 units accordingly.
Ready -to-go forage choppers total 55% or 12,900 units.
Irrigation units operable total up to 6,000 of 10,600 available.