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July 18 2002, 14:44 UkrInform

Ukraine: state purchasing prices for milling wheat could be $75-94/t - Committee for State Reserves

Pricing policy of state concerning purchases of crop 2002 will be finalized till the end of this month. This was said by Head of the State Committee for Reserves Volodymyr Kouratchenko July 18 during his visit at one of the Ukrainian grain processing enterprises - Koulindorovskiy bread products enterprise in Odessa region.

According to Mr. Kouratchenko, in this year state purchasing price for milling wheat Class 3 or 4 can be an equivalent of US$75 to US$94.

"Our current task is to ensure a high quality of grain storage," continued the Head of state reserves authority. Grain of the new crop is characterized by higher gluten content than that of last year. To preserve its high quality a programme of the state reserve enterprises' technological modernization has been developed and is being put implemented. Using the experience of the Koulindorovskiy bread products enterprise, which is one of the most advanced enterprises in the industry in Ukraine, a computerized system of analysis is being introduced widely. The system maintains the temperature of storage at 10 degrees Centigrade, which totally excludes grain damage by harmful insects. The cost of such an equipment kit per one storage bin is US$20,000. Together during 2002 the enterprises of state reserve are planning to spend about US$ 2 million of their own funds for this purpose.

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