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The 9th International ConferenceFruits & Vegetables of Ukraine - 2012. New ChallengeInternational Exhibition Center, 15, Brovarskiy Ave, Kiev, Ukraine November 28-29, 2012 |
Exclusive Sponsor package:
- a status of the Exclusive Sponsor of the conference
- participation of three delegates in the conference
- a special discount of 25% for participation of unlimited number of invited clients
- 25-minute advertising presentation at the conference
- company's logos and advertising materials in the conference halls and participants' portfolios
- 125*125 web-banner on www.fruit-inform.com within 3 months in 2012-2013
- advertising and informational page on www.fruit-inform.com without limitation of placement period
- active link to company's web-site in Conferences section of www.fruit-inform.com without limitation of active period
- A5 advertising block in the conference-exhibition catalog
- a special discount of 20% for web-banners on www.fruit-inform.com till the end of 2013
- 1.2*2-meter banner in the conference hall
- 2 mailings to Fruit-Inform's database of companies till the end of 2012
The Exclusive Sponsor package costs 5,000 EUR
Sponsor package:
- a status of the Sponsor of the conference
- participation of two delegates in the conference
- a special discount of 20% for participation of unlimited number of invited clients
- 20-minute advertising presentation at the conference
- company's logos and advertising materials in the conference halls and participants' portfolios
- a special discount of 15% for web-banners on www.fruit-inform.com till the end of 2013
- active link to company's web-site in Conferences section of www.fruit-inform.com without limitation of active period
- 1.2*2-meter banner in the conference hall
- A5 advertising block in the conference-exhibition catalog
- 1 mailing to Fruit-Inform's database of companies till the end of 2012
The Sponsor package costs 3,500 EUR
Technological Session Sponsor package:
- a status of the Technological Session Sponsor
- participation of one delegate in the conference
- chairing of the session
- a special discount of 10% for participation of unlimited number of invited clients
- 15-minute advertising presentation at the conference
- company's logos and advertising materials in the conference halls and participants' portfolios
- a special discount of 10% for web-banners on www.fruit-inform.com till the end of 2013
- active link to company's web-site in Conferences section of www.fruit-inform.comwithout limitation of active period
- 1.2*2-meter banner in the conference hall
- 5 advertising block in the conference-exhibition catalog
The Technological Session Sponsor package costs 2,500 EUR
Production Session Sponsor package:
- a status of the Production Session Sponsor
- participation of one delegate in the conference
- chairing of the session
- a special discount of 10% for participation of unlimited number of invited clients
- 15-minute advertising presentation at the conference
- company's logos and advertising materials in the conference halls and participants' portfolios
- a special discount of 10% for web-banners on www.fruit-inform.com till the end of 2013
- active link to company's web-site in Conferences section of www.fruit-inform.comwithout limitation of active period
- 1.2*2-meter banner in the conference hall
- A5 advertising block in the conference-exhibition catalog
The Production Session Sponsor package costs 2,500 EUR
Trade Forum Sponsor package:
- a status of the Trade Forum Sponsor
- participation of two delegates in the conference
- a special discount of 20% for participation of unlimited number of invited clients
- 20-minute advertising presentation at the conference
- company's logos and advertising materials in the conference halls and participants' portfolios
- 125*125 web-banner on www.fruit-inform.com within 3 months in 2012-2013
- active link to company's web-site in Conferences section of www.fruit-inform.com without limitation of active period
- A5 advertising block in the conference-exhibition catalog
- a special discount of 20% for web-banners on www.fruit-inform.com till the end of 2013
- 1.2*2-meter banner in the conference hall
- 1.2*2-meter banner in the trade forum hall
- 2 mailings to Fruit-Inform's database of companies till the end of 2012
- priority during scheduling negotiations at the Trade Forum
The Trade Forum Sponsor package costs 4,000 EUR
Separate advertising options:
15-20-minute presentation: 750 EUR
5-7-minute presentation: 550 EUR
Inclusion of materials into participants' portfolios: 250 EUR
Banner in conference hall: 350 EUR
Advertising leaflets at organizers' stand: 250 EUR
Would you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:
tel/fax: +380 562 320795
cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)
email: [email protected]