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August 21 2020, 09:43 Fruit-Inform

Belarus to be the leader in investments in blueberry business technologies in the Eastern Europe

It is Belarus among the three countries of the study “The Market for Highbush Blueberries in the Eastern Europe - 2020” that will have the most significant investments in the blueberry business technologies in the nearest years.


The study’s findings show that Belarusian growers currently have the lowest level of provision of field machinery, cooling capacity and packaging for blueberries.

The situation in Russia is slightly better, as Russian growers have just recently started growing blueberries, and their areas take just a tenth of those in Belarus.

The Eastern European leader in blueberry business’ technological provision is Ukraine, with the lowest problems observed in blueberry cooling and packaging.

Just to remind, the fundamental study “The Market for Highbush Blueberries in the Eastern Europe - 2020” will be available since August 25.

The study will contain:

- The highbush blueberry market in the Eastern Europe and globally

- Foreign trade in blueberries and domestic market prices in the Eastern Europe

- Detailed analysis of the present situation and 5-year outlook for the blueberry market in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus;

- Production technologies, characteristics of main varieties, business plans, detailed contacts of input and equipment suppliers and blueberry growers in the Eastern Europe etc.

More details about contents and the cost of the study are available on the web-site.

The study will be available in Russian and English.

On any questions concerning the study, please contact Fruit-Inform:

Mr. Ievgen Kuzin,

+380 96 583 63 23

[email protected]

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