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September 21 2001, 15:48 APK-Inform

The Ministry of Agrarian Politics tries to renew work of compound feed industry

Significant increase of grain production creates possibilities for renewal of livestock breeding, but this process will not be effective in case feeding livestock with grain in pure form. Due to this the Ministry of Agrarian Politics now tries to help increase of complete feed production by compound feed industry. As reasons for delays in establishment of works of compound feed plants the Ministry names bureaucratic barriers and absence of single coordinating association of compound feed producers. In addition, specialists of the Ministry point to sharp deficit of protein products for production of compound feed, while "over 300 thousand tons of sunmeal" are exported from the country.

Considering that topic of full ration feed demand isn't raised, gradual increase of feedstuff production should be expected following livestock breeding on the background of administrative creation of associations, and possibly, some measures limiting sunmeal export.

According to reports, currently compound feed enterprises have little over 0.5 million tons of grain, while capacities allow to store up to 4.5 million tons simultaneously.

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